Data and Maps Downloads

The following data is for informational purposes only and is collected or derived from multiple sources, databases, and spatial datasets provided for the expressed purpose to offer a convenience to the public. This data may not be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users of this data are encouraged to review and consult primary data and informational sources to ascertain the usability of this data. The Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham (RPCGB) assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in this data regardless of how caused or any decision made or action taken or not taken by any person in reliance upon any information or data contained herein.

The RPCGB’s Geographic Information System (GIS) contains a considerable amount of GIS data layers and much can be accessed through the RPCGB Open Data Portal. The information presented here represents a portion of that data determined to be suitable for the public domain and contains no known proprietary data or data not available elsewhere in the public domain. Any data found to be in error or contain proprietary information will be removed. GIS files will be updated, expanded, or added periodically. All features are made available as points, lines, or polygons in the Alabama State Plane West/ NAD 83 projected geographic coordinate system. For additional data requests, please contact RPCGB.